Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stylist's Blog Features BHB

I have studied fashion, design, and beauty in order to pursue a career in design and styling, yet when I came across a Photo Styling Class I couldn't resist. There are classes for wardrobe selection and Cosmetology courses but its somewhat rare to find a class that focuses specifically on the wide and wonderful world of Fashion Photo Styling. Not only am I learning many wonderful things that will help me grow in my chosen field but it has also been very life affirming as I felt quite at home in this class. Instructing this fantastic class is Ms Susan Cox, who is a seasoned stylist, author and instructor. I was very honored when I learned Black Heart Bunny was featured on her blog!

Even though I took her class in San Diego, no matter where you live you can audit one of her many wonderful classes online and read her book, "Photo Styling, How to Build Your Career and Succeed." Highly recommended for photographers, stylists, designers and anyone else perusing a life of style!


Anonymous said...

the white laced skull shirt is frickin awesome

Erika Obscura said...

Thanks! It's on my website: http://www.blackheartbunny.com