Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I ACTUALLY do have skills

know its hard to believe but I actually can sew and design clothes. Whatever. I started this dress when I first started fashion school (a million years ago) and didn't finish it because I couldn't afford this special trim i wanted for starts because it is a bit pricey. I finally bought the trim a ages ago but still didn't finish it but this month is the month, I'm telling you! I also have a bunch of new designs I am going to churn out for BHB.

I was very discouraged when I first started fashion school because I didn't know how was I was going to make it as a fashion designer. Plus I had to overcome a lot things including depression. However now I feel so much more confident.

So I've decided to just go for it, you know?
So anyway, THIS dress was inspired by female artist whose name I can't recall right now. This is the dress that inspired me to screen print! how I ended with a bunch of fuzzy weird animal designs was the result of trying to cheer myself up.

But I digress. This dress was hand screen printed with textile inks (I had to cut out a stencil out contact paper! This was before I learned proper printing) of with red black and gold, then i went over it with embroidery. The strands I left out are intentional cut out bodice shapes and embroidered them on like appliques. the top and bottom are left unhemmed. all i have to do is but in the zipper and the straps and I'm done! this dress means a lot to me. i don't know if I'll ever sell it, but ... maybe.

I have other things I need to finish and other tings I've done I may post later.

Oh yeah, and this!



Emilia Jane said...

the dress kinda reminds of ghada amer. either way i think it's a great idea and you should finish it!

Erika Obscura said...

Yeah that the artist I was inspired by! I forgot her name!